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Run QML Tests with PyTest



This PyTest plugin allows you to run qml tests via pytest instead of the C++/QtQuick test runner. It supports both PySide2 and PyQt5 >= 5.14.2 .


pip install pytest-qml


Pytest-qml aims to be fully compatible with Qt Quick Test public api except using a custom TestCase importing import PyTest 1.0 instead of import QtTest 1.2. We are aiming to make it pass QtTest test suite. You can follow it at issue 2. Already implemented Features, properties and methods can be found at issue 1.

import QtQuick 2.0
import PyTest 1.0

Item {
    TestCase {
        function test_something() {

Run pytest. PyTest will collect tests in folder and subfolders like other python tests.


You can tell PyTest to not run qml tests with the option --skip-qml.

pytest --skip-qml

You can run a single test with the usual Pytest Syntax, except that TestCase Name and test_function name should be separated by only only one semi-column.

pytest tests/mytests/mytestfile.tst::MyTestCase:test_my_function

Qml logging is shutdown by default since it uses pytest-qt under the hood which captures all qt/qml logging by default. To see qml logs add --no-qt-log to pytest's -s option. More info at pytest-qt

pytest -s --no-qt-log

Executing Python code before QML Tests

This is done using pytest's hook system. Pytest-qml add's the following custom hooks:


Same thing like C++ applicationAvailable, except an app parameter provided for convenience.

def pytest_qml_applicationAvailable(app):
    app.setApplicationName("Cool App")


Same thing like C++ qmlEngineAvailable.

def pytest_qml_qmlEngineAvailable(engine):
about setting a ContextProperty

Objects added with engine.rootContext.setContextProperty("name", obj) need to stay referenced somewhere and not be garbage collected. The following code will not work:

def pytest_qml_qmlEngineAvailable(engine):
        engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("name", SomeObject())
        # ====> fail:  SomeObject() is garbage collected    

To accomplish it there are various poosiblities:

  • Instantiate the object inside file, it will exist during the whole test session:
obj = SomeObj()
def pytest_qml_qmlEngineAvailable(engine):
        engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("name", obj)
  • add the object as attribute of engine, it will exists for the whole test file:
def pytest_qml_qmlEngineAvailable(engine):
        engine.cp = SomeObject()
        engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("name", engine.cp)


This a convenience hook to register contextProperties. ContextProperty will exist for the whole test file. It takes no parameter and returns a dict.

def pytest_qml_context_properties():
        return {"cp":Cp()}

Resistering new types

This can be done inside or in the pytest_configure hook:


qmlRegisterType(MyObj, "MyType", 1, 0, "MyObj")

# or inside the hook
def pytest_configure():
    qmlRegisterType(MyObj, "MyType", 1, 0, "MyObj")

Using Qt .qrc file

This can be done inside or in the pytest_sessionstart hook:


from package import ressources.qrc

# or inside the hook
def pytest_sessionstart():
    from package import ressources.qrc


If you encounter any problems, please fill an issue along with a detailed description.


Every contribution is always welcomed. Don't hesitate to ask for some help if you need it, I'll be happy to provide some guidance. A good start is to look at issue 1 to see what still need to be done.

  • clone the repo and go inside
git clone
cd pytest-qml
  • create a virtual env and activate it
python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
  • update pip and install requirements
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • install pre-commit hook (we use black)
pre-commit install
  • make your changes
  • add your name to contributor
  • Commit and push a Pull request


Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0 license, "pytest-qml" is free and open source software. Code parts from PySide2 owning to Qt Company are licensed under the LGPL-3.0.


Thanks to all the contributors helping in this project.

  • Jimmy Girardet
  • coming... hopefully :-)



  • Fix
    • fuzzyCompare with PyQt5
    • mouseEvent on Popup


  • New
    • added fuzzyCompare, mouseWheel, mouseDrag, warn
    • added data-driven tests and init_data support
    • added SignalSpy support
    • added createTemporayQmlObject
  • Fix
    • running single test
    • nicer output of object CompareError
    • fix mouse/kbd suppport for non root windows


  • New
    • use Custom TestCase
    • use Pytest
      • option --skip-qml
      • nice qml error report
    • use custom TestCase from module PyTest 1.0
      • findChild, createTemporaryObject
      • expectFail, fail, skip
      • keySequence, keyClick, keyPress, keyRelease.
      • tryVerify, verify, compare, tryCompare
      • mousePress, mouseMove, mouseClick, mouseDClick.
      • init, cleanup, initTestCase, cleanuptestCase
    • add hooks : qml_context_property, qml_applicationAvailable, qml_qmlEngineAvailable
    • add qmlRegisterType support